Wednesday, June 28, 2006

M!am! 7 update

1. Jon Stewart, The Daily Show on Miami 7:

2. Times News Report (not a liberal magazine by any means)

3. Here's from the delectable marxmail, "On the Sunni side of the street"===================
An excerpt from an exchange earlier today between CNN's Wolf Blitzerand Marlene Phanor, sister of Stanley Grant Phanor, aka "BrotherSunni," one ofFlorida's supposed seven "home-grown terrorists":
Blitzer: Is your brother a Muslim?
Ms. Phanor: No, sir. He's a Catholic.
Blitzer: Does he go to church?
Phanor: Yes, he goes to church. He's a Catholic. We enter St. Mary'sCatholic Church on 75th and Second Avenue.
Blitzer: Is he very political, your brother? Does he have strong politicalviews?
Ms. Phanor: No. I can't really say that.
Later, Blitzer goes on to ask:
Blitzer: Why does the government say he [your brother Stanley Phanor] isalso known as "Brother Sunni"?
Ms. Phanor: They all call themselves 'brothers'. Why, I don't know... butthe whole little group calls themselves 'brother'.
Blitzer: Did you ever hear your brother being called "Sunni"?
Ms. Phanor: Yeah. That's his nickname. It's not "Sunni". It's "Sunny" it's a sunny day. Yeah, that's his name.
Blitzer: So the confusion is he was called Sunny and not Sunni... becauseas you know Sunni is one of the religious groups in Islam.
Ms. Phanor: No, I didn't know that but now that I know... no it's not forthat. That's his nickname and it's spelled S-u-n-n-y... as in sunny day.That's his nickname ever since birth....

Friday, June 16, 2006

Salam Bitches . . I met Dave Chappal

Going to the mosque from work is never easy. I have to take BART at 1:20 and try to be back by 2:30. But today, even though I missed the train, the sermon was by the hoarse whisperer I don't like, I was rewarded by seeing a conversion at the San Francisco Civic center mosque.

So Yeah, it is kind of Awesome. It is powerful, this middle aged guy in a trim goatee repeating after the preacher, there is no God but God and Muhammed is his prophet. Cool, eh, but then I met Dave Chappal.
Yup, I am blessed biaaaatch! He was right there in person, wearing an army fatigue jacket, black T and loose Khakis. Salam Brother. A couple of people recognized him, he shook hands, said Salams. I told him that he has to do a skit as 'Ask A Muslim Dude' and thanked him, as an inspiration as he walked out past the homeless people on the street and the legless hookers in front of Market Street Theater and onto market street. He stopped at the corner as a pretty hijaban took of her Hijab and shook his hand, I left him as other brothers approached him, he shook all of their dirty hands.

..... um um bitches praise be to Allah.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Terrorist by John Uptight

John Updike writes the next great American novel, it is called 'The Terrorist' and explores the mind of an 18 year old Mulsim boy named Ahmad and how he becomes a terrorist. On his expose interview with Charlie Rose, he says he is proud of this book, but admitted that he knows next to nothing about Islam and it was a learning opportunity. He then went into an elaborate disposition on the 'desert people's' vision of Paradise. Food, feast, women, wine and Water. yes that would be the same as any Bacchus party and Nordic Valhalla. Oops did I say bitches!

Maybe I should write about a choir boy who got molested by a catholic priest.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

The coolest video ever . . .

Spin DJ is God, Cool music and a great video here.
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