Monday, November 05, 2007

The November Plan

President Musharraf has declared an emergency in Pakistan. I have made a 2 minute video summarizing the situation have a look,

Meanwhile, back at the bat cave

  • All cable operators & media outlets have been curtailed severely. Satellite and Internet are still open. A record number of mobile messages were sent yesterday. 10/phone.
  • Supreme court judges have been replaced. CJ Iftikhar is under house arrest.
  • Lawyers revolt is well under way, but they have faced baton charges.
  • Thousands of human right activists, politicos have been rounded up (including HR activist Asma Jehangir, Imran Khan and Aitizaz Ahsan)
  • Constitution has been dumped unceremoniously
  • US foreign policy is still backing Musharraf
  • Protests from Benazir Bhutto(PPP) and Altaf Hussein (MQM) are muted
  • Karachi stock exchange dropped 700 points. Rumors afloat of certain parties were informed of the plan before hand
  • Rumors of a pro-Islamist army coup that started this are abound ex-ISI head Hameed Gul has been arrested.


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