Friday, March 28, 2008

World Wide food shortage

Food shortage across South Asia (Pakistan, India, Bangladesh) are common knowledge these days as rising inflation makes it difficult for the average man to buy two meals for his family. My recent visit to Karachi, in took me to a lower income locality where every corner congregation was complaining about food prices, from onions to ghee, from roti to rice.

The knee jerk reaction in Pakistan is to blame government policies, which might be accountable for the massive power shortage, but rather helpless in lieu of the world wide food shortage which have spread well beyond Africa's sub-Sahara region. Two articles by the London Economist on food shortages in Philippines and Egypt present a much more worrying and almost apocalyptic view of the future.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Israel Gaza Policy (No Child left alive)

The London economist in their usual "balanced view" after a 125 dead Palestinian including 11 children. However, I found this statement rather interesting, is this an under handed smirk at Israel?

"Certainly the Palestinians’ Qassam rockets took an unusually heavy toll on Israel in February, killing ONE person in Sderot"

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