Sunday, January 28, 2007

No Justice No Peace - SF Anti war rally

I don't really take my camera to these . . but this time I did. A few picture, more at Flickr.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Big Brother racism

Some of you might know about the controversy generated by Bollywood Diva Shilpa Shetty's racist treatment on the UK Channel 4 TV Show 'Big Brother'. Apparently she was called a dog, her accent was made fun of, and various other cute little things that bimbos try to do to disguise their racism. Whose fault is it, I believe Shipla's because if you can't take the heat on a reality show, why bother?

But more interesting are the flirts between Shilpa and Dirk Benedict (He played Faceman on A-Team and Starbucks on the original Battlestar Galactica). Aw Shucks . . . so cute ;)

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