Sunday, November 19, 2006

History of Jihad

An interesting website that is scholarly information for the blatantly biased, History of Jihad. Although these days I unfortunately do not have the time and the energy to devote to this dillusional lunacy which showers us with such quotes as

President Bush with Mongol horsemen. President Bush can as well learn a lot from the Mongols who were the only ones in History to have come nearest to destroy Islam. The failure of the Mongols to do so was due to the fact that although they hated the Muslims, they did not realize that the brutality of the Muslims originated from Islam and eventually the Mongols themselves embraced Islam to become part of the Muslim psyche they so hated to begin with.

Any one who wants to fight the Muslims, needs to understand Islam, and he needs to fight Islam and not just its practitioners – the Muslims. Or else, like the Mongols, after defeating the Muslims on the battlefield, that leader would end up embracing Islam, and become a part of the problem he started out to unravel.

Key Message, "Don't talk to Muslims, they might convert you . . . meaning Muslims are super cool beings sort of like Vulcans and can do a Jedi Mind Trick on your Christian, Hindu, Jewish,Buddhistt ass to convert you, like they did to the Mongols, and pretty soon YOU would be fighting against the people who have destroyed the world as we know it.


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