Thursday, October 05, 2006

Has the West been silenced by Islam?

The current over Mozart's King Idomeneo presenting the chopped off heads of Muhammad, Jesus and Buddha (love the equality) is a bunch of nonsense. On one hand, I really don't give a damn, the artist is using them as a metaphor, BUT, if the Europeans are shouting themselves hoarse over the Islamic black mailing, why is it not ok to have a restaurant in Bombay named Hitler's Cross? Is Jewish black mailing on the holocaust different from Islamist feeling offended by the severed head of their prophet? They are both offensive and in bad taste.

Has the West been silenced by Islam?
In an age scarred by flashpoints between cultures and religions, it is easy to make accusations of prejudice or bigotry. But, argues Paul Vallely, we have all got something to gain from developing new sensitivities (more)


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