Kala Pul - The Black Bridge

Kala Pul – The Black Bridge, a four act action drama
Friday, May 5, 7:30 PM Mehran Resturant, 5774 Mowry School Road, Newark, CA
Saturday, May 6, 8:00 PM Cellspace, 2050 Bryant St, San Francisco, CA
Who: Presented by FOSA (Friends of South Asia)
Public Info: http://kalapul.info
Contact: For more information contact:
Kala Pul - the Black Bridge chronicles cultural, political, and religious conflicts of fictional characters in 21st century Karachi. It is a gritty tale of fugitive Arsalan's return to present day
Karachi after the violent death of his younger brother which has been blamed on religious extremists. In the ensuing four days he discovers that his younger sister has become a successful professional, his younger brother has turned into an extremist and his best friend has
become involved in money laundering. He parties with the Karachi elites, is beaten up by the police, is kidnapped by religious fundamentalists and helped by the catholic minorities. The play is a kaleidoscope on the vibrant cultures of Karachi, described as one of the most violent cities of the world. The title, Kala Pul, is based on a bridge in the city which connects the affluent parts of the city to the lower income area. Arsalan grew up under the shadows of the Kala Pul, caught between the two worlds of haves and have nots, one world of MTV inspired 'burgers' and other of the left behind fodder for the Kalashinikov culture.
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