Sunday, January 29, 2006

The uproar over Muhammed's caricatures

A Dutch newspaper Jyllands-Posten is in trouble cause the did a series of cartoons that depicted Prophet Muhammed as a terrorist. Now all limp dick mustachioed Arab countries have decided to withdraw their ambassadors from Denmark. Our ummah has protested the publications of these cartoons more then they did the invasion of Iraq. There collective message 'Please bomb us but don't make fun of our prophet. '

Who cares if the Prophet is shown as a turban wearing ticking time bomb? People treated him much worse and he still passed them with a smile. I think he would have better control over his nafs then we give him credit for, plus Jerry Falwell has already called him a pedophile, which is much worse. This is just anti-semitism from the right. They did the same thing in Nazi Germnay when they showed carcitures of Jews with bulbous noses. And sadly it is not very funny either. 'Stop we ran out of virgins.'

Last year the anti-defamation league caused an uproar of anti-semitism when Egyptian newspapers showed Sharon as the devil. Was that not freedom of speach?

I support the right to draw carcitures that show Muhammed as a terrorist, Krishna posing in an orgy, Jesus caught in a homosexual act, Buddha as a deadbeat dad and Moses as stuttering money collector. Now that would be justice for all.


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