Friday, October 28, 2005

Brown people dont laugh!

The latest effrontery. A new 'independent movie' by Warner Brothers is hilarious enough for me to chew razor blades.

It is called 'Looking for comedy in the Muslim world' A Jewish comedian (their reference not mine) is sent by the US government to find out why the Muslim world hates our guts. So they supposedly sent him to India and Pakistan, except he ends up in Dehli, India, talks to a lot of ladies with Bindis, makes lame jokes about Gandhi and about how there are no comedians in Iran, except to blow themselves up. I saw the trialer but could not catch a reference to Pakistan and most jokes are played on the helpless Indians as Sitar music plays out in the background.

The best solution is to have a rival screening on the opening day of the movie with skits from 50/50, Alif Noon and Angan Tera.

This is the sadistically the biggest blow of them all. This is clearly saying 'brown people don't laugh. Oh well, its their loss, we get to enjoy both George Carlin and Moin Akhtar.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Albert Brooks' Address (for correspondence):
10351 Santa Monica Blvd. Ste 300
LA, CA 90025

Contact his Webmaster:

Oh and his father named him Albert Einstein. Clearly pomposity doesn't run in the family.

10:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reference to Pakistan is there in the trailer: He is blindfolded to be taken across a border gate illegally...into DANGEROUS PAKISTAN! His joke is, "why doesn't THAT guy just come on THIS side and kill me here so I don't have to get out of the limo!"

The "punchline" of the trailer is him being asked, "are you a Jew," to which he replies hesitantly, "not right now." What kind of a freaking message is that? Clearly he doesn't have much respect for someone he LIES to about his own ethnicity/religion out of stereotypical hyper-fear. Typical Western/elite person: I can DEFEAT racism as long as I don't have to FACE it.

You also missed the part where this is also a LOVE STORY where ALBERT BROOKS: AS SEXY AS A MIDDLE AGED CARROT-TOP falls in mutual love with a GORGEOUS bindi-wearing Indian woman, CLEARLY less than half his age, who he ONLY employed because she was PRETTY. Don't forget that racists can be SEXISTS too (and have mid-life crises).

My message to Albert Brooks is this: YOU'RE NOT FUNNY ANYWHERE. His comedy is TIRED. Maybe in the 80's he was considered funny, but in the 80's there were many cultural tragedies in America.

Oh and lastly, right now I just thought when I saw this, GOD why can marketers get away with this? I believe that laughter can help in 90% of situations, but there are just a few times in our lives when laughing is tragically inappropriate. This moment in Pakistan is one of those. Can you imagine if after Katrina, Albert Brooks marketed a movie where he was sent into NOLA to try to be the best white Creole jazz pianist ever and woo Queen Latifah, thereby bridging the gap between black and white Americans, called "Looking for Jungle Love in New Orleans," in TV commericals playing in between news broadcasts of flooded streets, suffering, the elderly discarded, liquor store looting, some poignant rescues, and the shameful American disregard for our own disadvantaged?

11:36 AM  

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