Friday, June 17, 2005

Terrorism case in Lodi begins to unravel

I love being right, and yes I am off to Lodi.....

Terrorism case in Lodi, California begins to unravel
By Patrick Martin11 June 2005

Within days of the June 5 arrest of two Lodi, California men supposedly linked to Islamic fundamentalist terrorism, the case has begun to come apart at the seams.

Attorneys for the two men, a Pakistani immigrant and his US-born son, announced Thursday that there were significant discrepancies in the affidavits used by the federal Department of Justice to charge their clients.

The affidavit released to the news media on June 7 said that the younger man, 23-year-old Hamid Hayat, had attended a terror-training camp in Pakistan along with hundreds of other would-be terrorists, and returned to the US intending that potential targets for attack would include hospitals and large food stores

Neither allegation, however, was in the affidavit actually filed with a federal court in Sacramento thesame day. Instead, the two men were charged only with lying to federal investigators about Hamid Hayat's itinerary during a recent visit to Pakistan


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